S.L. Clemmons

Global Broker / Agent

Your Family Depends On You!

Are you properly covered? Many people think they are, but discover too late that they are not. That’s why they need me. If you are not sure that you have the proper insurance coverage, I can help. I can also assist you in selecting a good group health plan if you are self-employed. Because your family depends on you, it is important that you take the necessary steps now to protect your family.

Life insurance is primarily designed to provide financial protection for those who depend upon you in the event of your death or terminal illness. It can provide your family with guaranteed financial resources, instead of placing your loved ones in a financial hardship to cover your final expenses.

Keep this in mind. Life insurance provides immediate cash at death. This cash can be used by your loved ones to pay your final expenses, estate taxes, administrative fees, etc. Otherwise, the costs associated with this process can add up to a significant loss of value in your estate.

Please think about this and give me a call today while I am in your area protecting others. I will be on standby, waiting to arrange an appointment with you so that I can provide my service to you and your family. I can also evaluate your current policy for proper protection and, if needed, provide a more current and up-to-date policy. The time has come for you to properly protect yourself for the sake of your future and your loved ones. I will await your call or mail-in request.

Athens Insurance • Life and Small Group Health Brokerage Services • Toll Free: 1-866-467-3665 • athensins@bellsouth.net